This is what cruel foie gras production looks like.

Sign the petition to help ducks and geese!

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Petition to ban foie gras imports into the UK after Brexit

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Although foie gras production is so cruel
it is illegal in the UK, we are still importing this cruelty.

It's time for a ban.

Did you know...

The production of foie gras is banned in 19 countries?

The force-feeding of geese is barbaric and unjustifiable,
and has no place in a modern day UK.


To make foie gras, geese are force-fed three times a day with huge amounts of food. A pipe is thrust down their throat and into their stomach. The flow of food is so forceful and the amounts so large that the some birds' stomachs break apart.

Liver disease

It is normal for geese in the wild to gain weight, particularly in their liver, to get through the migration period. But foie gras production exploits this by forcing their livers to grow ten times the normal size. Often the birds struggle to breathe or walk since their diseased livers and engorged stomachs press on their lungs and other organs.

Premature death

Geese can live up to 20 years, but on foie gras farms they are killed when just three to four months old. During their last month, they experience the extreme suffering of force-feeding and many birds don't even live long enough to go to slaughter. Every day workers carry out bodies of those who didn't make it. Female geese are killed instantly after birth, as their livers are not as profitable.

Terrible living conditions

On farms, geese and ducks spend all their lives without sunlight, fresh air or water to swim in. Old, dilapidated equipment is a frequent cause of death: dangerous wires stick out of their cages which inflict fatal wounds. Some geese become aggressive from living in constant darkness, tightly packed in with so many other birds. Others lie passive and motionless, waiting for death.

A cruel luxury, not a necessity

Foie gras is not a necessary product. Rather, it represents irresponsibility and ignorance about the realities of production. Foie gras doesn't just kill animals, it tortures them to death. This is unacceptable in 21st century Britain.

Producing foie gras inflicts torture on ducks and geese. There can be no justification for this practice.

But together we can stop this cruelty!

Sign our petition to ban foie gras imports into the UK.

To Secretary of State Michael Gove and the UK Government

Foie gras is made from the diseased livers of ducks or geese who have been repeatedly force-fed. Force-feeding is a cruel practice that causes the birds such extreme suffering that producing foie gras has been banned in the UK. Nevertheless the sale and importation of foie gras is still legal, with shops including Harrods and Fortnum & Mason profiting from this cruelty.

The UK’s exit from the EU gives us an opportunity to reconsider trade regulations and ban the importation of foie gras. Considering the inhumane way this product is made, foie gras does not have a place in modern UK. We must finish what we started when we made foie gras production illegal almost 20 years ago.

I urge the Secretary of State Michael Gove, Minister George Eustice and the UK Government to draft legislation banning the importation and sale of foie gras, to be introduced to the Parliament as soon as possible and put into effect the day we exit the EU.

Victory Map

So far our dedicated activists have convinced 10 restaurants to drop Foie Gras from their menu through tireless outreach and campaigning.

Click here if you want to join in!

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